Genetic Selection
"We have chosen four proven families from all of the sires that we used over the past 58 years to integrate into and improve our program. These families include the Traveler family, going back to Q A S Traveler 23-4, the Rito family, going back to R R Rito 707, the Emulation family, going back to Emulation N Bar 5522, and the Rainmaker family, going back to G D A R Rainmaker 340. The genetics we have used were chosen to add low input, feed efficiency and
maternal genetics to thrive on grass and hay, longevity, docility, milk production, excellent udders and feet. Call or email us if you are interested in adding these proven
maternal genetics to your herd."
Breeding Registered Black Angus since 1962 based on proven maternal genetics
that excel on pasture in our low-input environment
We use a balanced, multi-trait selection methodology that emphasizes:
- Fertility and Longevity
- Moderate Birth Weight, Weaning Weight, High $EN, and Feed Efficiency
- Moderate Frames and Mature Cow Weights
- Low Input and Low Maintenance
- Easy Fleshing, Deep Ribbed and Muscling
- Structural Soundness, Foot Quality and Udder Integrity
- Never Trimming the feet of a bull that we raise or sell