

Bulls for Sale List

15 to 18 month old bulls for sale private treaty at the ranch year round.

We guarantee you that any Black Grove bull you purchase will never have had his feet trimmed! For the record Black Grove has never trimmed the feet of a bull we have sold or raised.

For further information regarding cattle for sale at the ranch, please call Walter Shealy at 803.924.1000.

The following sales results reflect the acceptance and performance of our Black Grove genetics throughout the country.

For the seven consecutive years prior to COVID Black Grove has the privilege of participating in the SpringLake Angus Sale in Lynch Nebraska.

In the 2019 SpringLake Angus sale in Lynch Nebraska, Black Grove again had the high selling bull.

Black Grove Rainmaker 377, a Basin Rainmaker 654X son out of Sinclair Lady 3R2 (see 3R2 donor page) a direct daughter of RR Rito 707 and Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 (the feed efficiency matriarch - See 4465 donor page) sold 2/3 interest for $8000 to Watts Angus Farm in South Carolina. He is destined to become a great maternal sire.

In the 2018 SpringLake Angus Sale, Lynch Nebraska, Black Grove had the following: the high selling 2-year-old bull Black Grove Rito 146, a Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 son out of Black Grove Black Belle 110 (see donor page). He was purchased by Redland Angus, in Manderson, Wyoming.

The second high selling yearling bull Black Grove Unmistakable 397, an OCC Unmistakable 946U son out of BT Everelda Entense 814L (see donor page), who won the 2018 Black Grove Performance Bull Test, was purchased by Littaus Angus, Carter, South Dakota.

The high selling 3-year-old bull, Black Grove Rito 235, a Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 son out of BT Everelda Entense 814L was purchased by Dave Duncan, High Valley Angus, Ellenberg, Washington, and recently purchased by Jauer Dependable Genetics in Hinton, Iowa.

In the 2017 SpringLake Angus sale we had the top selling bull, Black Grove Rito 245, a Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 (see sire page) out of the Black Grove donor dam BT Everelda Entense 814L. 2/3 interest sold for $14,000 to CCK Angus, Florence, S.D..

In the 2016 SpringLake Angus sale Black Grove had the top selling bull, Lot 2 (jointly owned with SpringLake Angus) a RR Rito 707 X Black Grove Black Belle 110 - sold 2/3 interest for $9500.

In 2016 Black Grove also had the top gaining bull again and had four of the top five gaining bulls on the SpringLake Angus bull test.

In 2015 Black Grove again had the top gaining bull on the SpringLake Angus bull test and the top selling bull: Lot 7A, (owned jointly with Spring Lake Angus), a yearling bull by RR Rito 707 and Black Grove donor BT Everelda Entense 814L, sold 2/3 interest for $14,500.

In the 2014 SpringLake Angus Bull Test, Black Grove had the top ADG bull.

In the 2013 SpringLake Angus Bull Test, Black Grove also had the top gaining bull SLA BG Rito 707 (jointly owned with SpringLake Angus). He is the progeny of mating RR Rito 707 (see donor page) X Sinclair Lady 5ET3 (see donor page).


we raise them the way we would
want to buy them.


Contact Information:
Walter Shealy (803)924-1000

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